Education, research and development

19. 8. 2021

Hydrogen production at Nine Mile Point

A containerised Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyser is to be installed at Exelon Generation’s Nine Mile Point nuclear power plant in New York State as part of a hydrogen production demonstration project. The unit will supply hydrogen for the plant’s turbine cooling and chemistry control. Introduction Nel ASA launched the MC250 and MC500 containerised PEM electrolysers […]

14. 7. 2021

Nuclear thermal engine concepts for deep space exploration

Three reactor design concept proposals for a nuclear thermal propulsion system for deep space missions have been selected by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Department of Energy (DOE). The reactor will be a critical component of a nuclear thermal engine, which would utilise high-assay low-enriched uranium fuel. Introduction Idaho National […]

27. 6. 2021

Fusion energy Helion passes 100 million degrees Celsius

Fusion energy is still under development. Helion Energy, based in Everett, Washington, became the first private company to exceed 100 million degrees Celsius in its sixth prototype Trenta fusion generator. Its prototype recently completed a 16-month test campaign and completed nearly 10,000 high-performance pulses. A little theory Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two […]

3. 6. 2021

BWRX-300 – Report highlights economic benefits of Canadian SMR deployment

PwC Canada has estimated in an independent report commissioned by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH). The construction of the first BWRX-300 small modular reactor (SMR) in Ontario will generate about CAD2.3 billion (USD1.9 billion) in GDP, CAD1.9 billion in labour income and more than CAD750 million in federal, provincial and municipal tax revenue.  Outlook for […]

27. 4. 2021

French, Russian hydrogen production partnership

EDF Group and Rosatom have signed an agreement to jointly promote hydrogen production projects in Russia and Europe. Rosatom said development of hydrogen technologies has an important role to play in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement is aimed at keeping the global average temperature increase to below 2 degrees Celsius by […]

24. 4. 2021

The US Department of Energy is planning to build a microreactor

The US Department of Energy (DOE) is planning to build a microreactor. Its RD&D activities should help researchers and end-users understand how microreactors can be integrated with other technologies. Microreactor Applications Research Validation and EvaLuation (MARVEL) liquid-metal cooled microreactor could be operational within three years. What is Microreactor Small modular reactors (SMRs) have been and […]

30. 1. 2021

NASA is celebrating 60 years of nuclear power in space

NASA is celebrating the 60 years of nuclear power in space. On June 29, 1961, the first nuclear-powered satellite was launched. Transit-IV-A was an experimental navigation satellite. The power source was a radioisotope-powered generator. Its main designer was the Laboratory of Applied Physics at Johns Hopkins University in Cape Canaveral. And NASA has since conducted […]