Clean mobility and renewables

19. 8. 2021

Hydrogen production at Nine Mile Point

A containerised Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyser is to be installed at Exelon Generation’s Nine Mile Point nuclear power plant in New York State as part of a hydrogen production demonstration project. The unit will supply hydrogen for the plant’s turbine cooling and chemistry control. Introduction Nel ASA launched the MC250 and MC500 containerised PEM electrolysers […]

21. 5. 2021

Nuclear stands out for clean hydrogen, says French parliamentary report

Only nuclear energy and hydropower present the double advantage of being controllable and carbon-free. According to a report on hydrogen production published by the French Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Technological Assessment (OPECST). To produce clean hydrogen on a global scale, 400 GW of nuclear capacity would be needed, it says. Commission findings Members of OPECST, appointed so […]

4. 5. 2021

Foratom highlights nuclear’s role in EU hydrogen strategy

Nuclear provides a perfect solution for the generation of large quantities of low-carbon and affordable hydrogen, the Foratom said today in a position paper. This will be key as Europe aims to transform all parts of its economy, including transport and industry. The EU’s hydrogen strategy does not mention nuclear energy as an energy source […]

27. 4. 2021

French, Russian hydrogen production partnership

EDF Group and Rosatom have signed an agreement to jointly promote hydrogen production projects in Russia and Europe. Rosatom said development of hydrogen technologies has an important role to play in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement is aimed at keeping the global average temperature increase to below 2 degrees Celsius by […]