Zdeněk Šnaider


Director of the Project Management of the Comprehensive Renovation of the Tušimice II and Prunéřov II Power Plants


Now holds the position of Director of the Project Management of the Comprehensive Renovation of the Tušimice II and Prunéřov II Power Plants as the General Contractor of the Construction. He was in charge of complete project management from project preparation, business and contractual provision of the project to its own management of implementation, start-up, testing, warranty measurements of technological equipment, project economics and complete handover to the end customer, including ensuring trial and warranty operation until signing the FAC protocol.
Since 2016, he has taken over the Ledvice project (construction of a new supercritical source of the Ledvice 660MWe power plant) in the position of project director, which was successfully handed over to the investor in 2017.
In the past, he also held the management of the comprehensive renovation project of the Tušimice II Power Plant in the position of chief designer for the general contractor (ŠKODA PRAHA INVEST); director of the G-team s.r.o. where he provided turnkey deliveries of medium and large investment projects.
And other important positions as Deputy Director of Energetické opravny, a.s. for machine maintenance services at selected coal and nuclear power plants, ČEZ, a.s. as a monetary engineer at the Prunéřov I power plant.

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