General information

The Association is non government organization, independent, respected entity that supports nuclear energy as a sustainable source of electricity. Association strategically represents the interests of energy sector in important debates in the Czech Republic. Czech Nuclear Association is member of World Nuclear Association.


The aim of the Association is to support the construction of new nuclear sources in the Czech Republic with the maximum involvement of the Czech industry, engineering, research institutes and universities and with goal of cooperation with municipalities, regions, government and other organizations and individuals.

We are convinced that the involvement of Czech entities will lead to the strengthening of the Czech economy, the maintenance of energy security and self-sufficiency of our country and the preservation of knowledge in the field of nuclear energy, which Czech companies, engineers and universities still have.

In addition, our activities are aimed at promoting a broader understanding of nuclear energy among key actors by providing reliable information on nuclear energy, developing joint industrial activities and contributing to an open energy discussion.

In this context, the Czech Nuclear Association:

  • creates an environment for its members to support and broaden their horizons in business, establish business cooperation and setup informal contacts,
  • contributes to raise the positive profile of its members in the field of energy,
  • develops and shares common and industrial views and practices on strategic issues.

The Czech Nuclear Association is apolitical.

Governance of Czech Nuclear Association

The Board of Directors manages the operation of the Czech Nuclear Association. The Board of Directors is chaired by Tomáš Kovalovský and vice-chairmen Michal Šnaider and Aleš Cincibus.

The highest body of the Czech Nuclear Association is the General Meeting.

Contact us

Telephone and email information on how to contact the Czech Nuclear Association, as well as a map of the seat, are listed on the contact page.

What We Do

We are connecting people. For our members we create an environment to expand the horizons of business, networking and business relationships. We engage and influence key domestic stakeholders on topics of strategic importance to nuclear development, engineering and production. 


We support nuclear energy as a sustainable source of electricity and strategically represent the interests of this sector in important energy debates in the Czech Republic. We provide reliable information on nuclear energy to the media and online resources.

We comment the preparation of the NPP and cooperate with municipal authorities, regions, the state and other organizations and individuals.

Working groups

Working groups are internal forums that allow members to share best practices, prepare projects, conduct analyzes on issues of economics, security, energy self-sufficiency, low-carbon energy and the environment.

Membership in Czech Nuclear Association

Our Members

Our members are important personalities, universities and companies that provide research, production or operation of nuclear facilities in the Czech Republic. Click here to see a list of individual leaders and personalities. Click here to see a list of partners and legal entities.

Join Us

Membership in the Czech Nuclear Association is open to individuals or to any organization engaged in or otherwise interested in the peaceful uses of nuclear technology, in particular for the production of primary energy.

By becoming a member of the Czech Nuclear Association, you will become part of a national forum that contributes to the future of nuclear energy. Top benefits:

  • connecting leaders and technical experts in the field of energy in the Czech Republic,
  • establishing contacts and creating new projects, networking,
  • increase the value of the profile of a personality or company in the nuclear energy sector,
  • development of common and industrial positions and practices on strategic issues,
  • contribution to the support and promotion of nuclear energy and the vision of the Czech industry, which is involved in nuclear energy.
  • possibility of communication with the political sphere at all levels,
  • communication with nuclear regions.

The annual fee depends on the type of membership. For more information, please contact To apply, please send us membership application.